Saturday, December 25, 2010

Sprain ligament

This is the first time that I am posting my injured ligament. This happen during my time playing basketball with my colleague and that time I twisted my ligament. I went to a chinese medicine practitioner for him to massage and also wrap chinese herb medicine around my leg everyday and to my amazament they also can issue MC for me so that I can proved that I was really injured and I am now cheating any MC. Up until last week my leg is already recover 90% but right after I peel off the last dosage of chinese medicine wrapping around my leg I ignore the advice of the doctor for not walking that frequently before I am 100% recover.

The consequences of ignoring the advice is start from yesterday my sprained ligament become painful again and this time I need to go throught the whole process again plus also the pain that I need to endure before the recovery of my leg.