Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Delicacy?? You be the judge

That is a really big piece of shark fin and for chinese out there this mean that this kind of shark fin can never be tasted for the poor. This big piece of shark fin is usually priceless and mainly people will exhibit for the pride in their shop. I admit I am a big fan of shark fin soup but after seeing that big piece of shark fin makes me think about this, how long do a shark need to grown until to have the kind if big size shark fin? Try to think in other way, do you like your body part to be slaughtered and then get eaten or just exhibit somewhere?

The answer is of course no and from now on I will try to reduce the eating the part of this poor creature. If the eating of shark fin is to continue soon our next generation can only admire the beauty of this giant sea creature through picture

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